this is the first text box. hiii

tiny update π
- 1/5
- changed how site sharing buttons are displayed (theyre flexbox now)
- 1/10
- updated my age {: π
- temp fix for navbar not working on blog page
- new media highlight
lalalalalala (big update!! new navbar for all pages, new homepage header, dreamwidth embedded blog, lots of other changes
- 9/3
- new blog and media highlight
- started making new nav bar. got some nice waves
- 9/4
- got rid of the taskbar (at least on the homepage while i fiddle around with new navbar)
- made chinchou smaller
- made the dancers at the bottom scale a bit nicer (:
- 9/5
- 9/6
- adjusted some sizing stuff on the landing page + edited the text a little
- new blog entry
- 9/11
- new blog entry and media highlight
- 9/18
- setting up dreamweaver! will be doing my blogs via that site from now on
- did a lot of work that im proud of to manually clean up the rss feed service im using to embed my dreamweaver to my blog page. there were things in there that
werent wrapped in ANY tag that i had to figure out how to filter out (cause i want it to look as clean as possible). i somehow succeeded and feel very accomplished
- 9/30
- added some collectables and site buttons
- tweaked a couple things on sites page
- 10/1
- continued some work on the new homepage nav
- 10/4
- many small adjustments to about page. made things scale a bit nicer, changed some text, etc
- added fave pokemon, emojis, & emotes to abt page
- 10/6
- continued work on new navbar
- made and added a bunch of stamps
- 10/7
- sunk some more work into navbar. the buttons move as you scroll now and im quite proud of my coding!!
- 10/8
- more work on navbar. got a basic music player looking nice. ill trick it out in another update
- 10/9
- some work on blog page & making the crusty rss embed look better
- 11/11
- uh i def forgot to write down some update progress. been putting in a lot of work into new navbar. yesterday got my first js file in working shape (before it was mostly coded but broken)
- today i got the javascript and html on the new reusable navbar working properly!!!! now i just need to make the ufo graphics and find a spot for my old taskbar to go (it would be mean to remove it entirely..)
- adapted collectables page to better suit new navbar
- added some collectables
- 11/13
- rounded some corners on the content boxes on the homepage
- adjusted some things on about page & added new navbar
- 11/16
- updated some visuals on sites linking page and added new navbar
- changed the music player to be a bit bigger & adjusted nav ufos accordingly
- 11/18
- added new navbar to blog page plus a couple more fish
- updated blog element on homepage to connect to dreamwidth
- made placeholder nav ufo for about page
- 12/2
- made placeholder nav ufo for collectables page and blog page
- 12/3
- made placeholder nav ufo for sites page
- added one singular stamp to collectables
added a new page for blogposts
- 8/18
- added a couple collectables
- changed the media highlight to a fave berggren clip
- wrote a blog entry
- changed the media highlight on the neocities only to be a new image. cause i dont want it to get stale and the next actual update might be a while lol
- 8/25
- fixed an issue with the taskbar on the about page
- changed media highlight on neocities only
- added tboi items to faves lists on about page (ily parasite)
- added a sleeping chao to collectables page
- added a batch of collectables
- added some site buttons
- 8/26
- started work on the blog page. its already in pretty good shape and i even made a nice header
- 8/27
- more work on the blog page
- started making a little animation for the blog page (: its not up yet
- 8/28
- wrote a blog post
- updated the blog section on the homepage to just have most recent update + have link to the designated blog page
- added blog page button to taskbar on all pages
added a landing page and new content on the homepage, including a blog and media highlight
- 7/18
- starting making my landing page {: got really good progress into it
- added the not_found page to neocities because i just realized it was never even uploaded LOL
- altered the colors of the homepage & collectables icons a little. because everything under my domain shall be My colors and my colors only.
- cleaned up homepage code a little
- added riptide gif
- 7/23
- changed some colors, cleaned up some stuff, & replaced something with earths on the sites-connect page
- added some site buttons
- 7/23
- added a batch of collectables including some more slop gif stamps i made
- 7/29
- changed some text on the about page
- added another me to the homepage {:
- added another content box to the homepage
- other small tweaks
- 7/31
- added some collectables
- changed some icons
- changed some text on the homepage
- some visual tweaks idk
- started making a blog section?
- bc i write so much for the changelog each time im gonna start nesting ANOTHER summary/details tag. its Okay
- 8/1
- made the toxic mage in the changelog header a little more consistently positioned across browsers
- made the media highlight box look better
- added some more deco/graphix to homepage since theres more content boxes leaving all sorts of empty space around
- you should click the new alien btw
- 8/5
- added a batch of collectables + some sources for existing ones
- added a (not autoplaying!) song to the landing page
- added imood & a pearl gif to about page
- moved some images on the about page to be with the favorites lists
- added gaz to fav char bingo
- i have a lot more i wanna do but for now i think i need to just upload this update lol. i have some new pages i want to make & do some stuff with the taskbar next.
- 7/6
- added some stamps, including 3 billy & mandy ones that i made myself. particularly proud of the mandy one.
- 7/11
- added a shit ton of collectables including a bunch of glumbo forum blinkies i made & garbage gif stamps i made
- changed a lot of things visually on the collectables page. muuuuch nicer on the eyes now. new header, diff font, diff colors, and some other stuff.
- 7/14
- changed the colors of the collectables icon on the taskbar
- changed some stuff on the sites linking page. background texture, some colors, added drop shadow to text, made the bunny not squish, made the music loop. looks a lot nicer
- started moving some stuff around on the about page
- 7/15
- added a couple collectables
- last night and today i downloaded a shit ton of graphics from here so theyll start popping up lol
- changed link color on the homepage
- cropped jellyfish gif so it doesnt overlap with the chatbox scrollbar
- removed brick from the collectables page, then added an alien and a rabbit
- added favorite animals to about page, changed the font, and fixed the color changing bg to work on mobile
- made a reaaaally cool effect for the drawing on the about page but I STILL DONT KNOW WHERE TO PUT IT LOL
- changed the display of little dancers on the taskbar to be pixelated
- 6/24
- fran meetup just ended... sob. using the changelog like a blog
- added a bunch of collectables. made a new section on collectables page to put some blinkies i had made that are made for other people
- 6/29
- added more collectables
- added three site buttons to the site page
- removed a couple pokemon from the homepage.. i feel like the volume of pkmn graphics compared to how passionate i am about pkmn is a little off rn. they'll find other homes later as my website expands.
- added another jellyfish to the homepage. honestly might be too many jellies but thats okay jellies are cool
- added a bunny to the sites page
- 5/3
- changed/added some text on the about page
- moved the taskbar-buddies on the friends page because i want to add 9 little kauhuhirviΓΆs but im going to bed right now and making room for them is going to remind me to add them later. ok
- 5/13
- added those 9 kauhuhirviΓΆs
- added some collectables
- added reuniclus, chinchou, xurkitree, lotad, and cradily to homepage
- 5/25
- i got aesprite recently (thank you aqua!) and ive been on a huge blinkie making kick. so i added a few original blinkies {:
- got the collectables filtering system working!!! (once again thank you aqua.....)
- 4/7
- added some collectables and site buttons
- added my neocities profile link to the about page
- added another bunny to the site buttons page taskbar
- started working on a function that shows you only my favorite collectables
- added more graphics to homepage, including tentacruel, an octopus, some planets, and a wonderful css alien ball that i had made a while ago but never implemented. shits starting to look gooood
- 4/6
- added a site button
- removed the audio controls from the pages bc theyre out of place and its easier to just mute the tab anyway. they'll be back eventually
- fixed the chatbox so that it sizes correctly
- continued major rehaul of the index, including removing those placeholder wxp windows on the side
- added some more graphics to the homepage including a big ass drawing
- 2/13
- ive been busy and sick! anyway i added up-to-date fave character bingo and fave game chart to about page + some other images
- animated the gifs on the taskbar on the about page! they run now at last
- adjusted something visually on the about header
- worked more on building the base content for about page. added "current mood" box
- 2/14
- wrestled for a long time with backdrop-blur on the about page. lost the fight.
- added some 3d transformations to the about page
- added some more content to the about page that ill probably rework later
- refined some content on the about page but its still rough
- 2/5
- rearranged some buttons on the collectables page
- added some collectables and site buttons
- 2/6
- added a bunch of collectables and some site buttons
- started on my about page!
- 2/7
- added some site buttons
- A LOT more work on the about page. at the expense of my computer science homework
- 2/8
- little tweaks on the about page. i think its fine to upload as a WIP for now ^-^
- 1/31
- added a couple sources for collectables (its an ongoing process)
- began plans for a new page
- made an orb to contain an alien. havent put it anywhere on the site yet
- 2/1
- made a not_found page accidentally. was fucking around w/ my friend & made that page & it was so stupid i made it my 404, ok?
- 2/2
- did a lot of work and basically made a page from start to beginning. its the page for linking my friends & cool sites, i just need to populate it with the buttons now which will take a while
- 2/3
- polished the sites linking page! its all good to go now
- changed some things on the collectables page, like the dividers and the background
- added some collectables
- 1/24
- added 3 planets and queen
- added some more silly text
- i was supposed to go to bed almost 2 hours ago -_-
- 1/27
- added tovari to the taskbar
- updated the look of the changelog a bit. made the header stay at the top, added a wonderful noita mage, made it longer.
- added another planet. im a bit hesitant to put all the mason lindroth stuff so close together.. so expect these graphics to be moving around some more (especially as i add more content)
- CHANGED THE MAIN FONT its Exo2 now ^-^
- 1/28
- added a bunch of new collectables
compressing the work of a few days into one update because reuploading things to neocities is a hassle lawl
- 1/16: changed some colors <_<
- 1/17: added some collectables >_> also changed up the favorite/madebyme borders for collectables to look a little better
- 1/18: a few visual adjustments. made the changelog look a bit nicer.
- 1/21: NEW HEADER!!!!!!!! i might change it again soon.
a couple visual adjustments on the index. moved some stuff around. notably, i realized what was making my waterboxes a bit unevenly placed!
still havent managed to get them to be uniformly sized but this is still a win.. i also adjusted their corner radii to look way nicer!
added some more collectables as well.
bleeeehhhh some small visual changes (especially on collectables page), added some collectables.
i wasted a lot of my time making a c'est buisness stamp and a sand flies blinkie lol. ftu.
ive gotten a lot of work done on the offline copy of the site and just havent bothered transfering it over yet. however, i just got around to buying the neocities supporter package, so i uploaded my audio folder.
what this means: homepage and collectables page have some background music that plays now, and the hidden stupid.html page is fully functional.
the homepage music player is temporary as i plan to make a more complex music picker out of it, the collectables music player is VERY temporary, and i havent yet added warnings for autoplay (or anything else..). im going to get a custom domain set up soon also.. im gonna get even though its a bit more expensive than and just claim it as an early self-birthday/chrisbmo gift.........
also added some blur to a couple collectables with blood. im planning to have a no-blood setting set up later, but i want the site to be accessible in the lull before i get to it
just so its linked SOMEWHERE on the site, and since its functional now, heres coins.html
- added the changelog
- changed the icon for the collectables page to be the windows live mail icon (its a stamp!) and the icon for the homepage to the windows 7 home button
- changed the site icon of the pages to match their taskbar icons
- changed the taskbar so that an icon only has the glossy texture when youre on that specific page
- added the img urls to the site button textareas
- added a couple more collectables and hyperlinks on collectables
- added my sona and a ufo {:
- changed some div colors
- changed some homepage text
the 2.0 version of my website is now public! it still has a long way to go and is pretty obviously a WIP, but i thought it was time to finally share it.
my current priority is to get the homepage to be more Whole. something presentable.
βββββββββββββ say hi to me βββββββββββββ